Play - learn how to win and lose

22, Feb 2022
Games are an essential element in the first years of life of children. They are generators of great moments of fun, healthy exercises that promote positive energy. More, game situations help children develop important aspects of their personality and skills to their life.
Playing children acquire and develop social rules, which will help in establishing interpersonal relationships. In addition, and although this is not the primary objective of play, children develop naturally competitive instincts that correctly clarified that the objective of the game is not to win at any cost, is healthy.
Winning and losing is part of life

It is natural that the child feels upset when cannot win the game. This is not in itself a problem. The situations of loss should be turned into learning opportunities, which allow the child to develop ways to address challenging situations and opponents.
Winning is always rewarding. However, one should stimulate a healthy competitiveness which manages the impulse to overcome obstacles and overcome the barriers that arise. And the adult must take care to ensure that the desire to win is not exacerbated and becomes a necessity to win at any cost. The adult must convey to the child that will not always be the best, and teach to assume their losses without that promotes insecurity or low self-esteem – winning and losing is part of life.
Games allow children to develop these skills in a natural way by passing the instinct of competition, endurance difficulties, respect for others, appreciation of the effort and personal commitment, the pleasure of overcoming challenges. In this sense, the team games are a good option, because the competition is based on cooperation between groups of children who compete among themselves for challenges and common objectives.
Good losers and winners

Learning to lose and win should start early and in the family environment with the promotion of family games that can be played by several people. Adults play a critical role, especially in the beginning when the child encounters great difficulties and may feel tempted to give up, in order to stimulate and promote satisfaction with these activities. Gradually the child will no longer always win and get used to winning a few times and lose others, and to understand that it has no special meaning beyond the game itself.
It is up to the adults, parents, demonstrate that although losing is good play and participate by sharing good times with your loved ones. Games like Dominoes, the game of glory, the Hidden are good options for the little ones.
Respect the rules

Life in society is full of rules and it is important that the child starts to learn them as soon as possible. The games provide great opportunities for transmission of rules as they have their own set of rules. The effort in the transmission of these rules will help the child understand that with effort, commitment and fulfilling the rules will progress in the desired direction. Further review with the child what went less well and seek solutions help to develop the capacity for reflection.
Play involves often facing challenges and resolving problematic situations. These situations experienced in a protected environment and supported by adults will help the child understand that also in life one must follow rules, and should not despair because at any given time is unable to get something wanted.
Congrats to the winner

Interaction games prepare the child for life in society, helping to develop relationship skills with others, communicate and learn a set of skills that are important for the sharing of game situations, such as: joy, enthusiasm, self-esteem, trust, respect, communication, communion, creativity and perseverance.
Also allow teach the children that in any challenge participants must greet you at the beginning and end, and we must congratulate the winner. Today we loose and tomorrow we win. Congratulate the winners is a way of showing that we know to be equal to the task. So, congratulations to the winner!”
When your child wins you must teach to have respect and consideration by other competitors. Must transmit the value that victory is a reward, but there’s more than that in the game. In addition to the result is also important the path and it is not always possible to win. This does not mean that the child is not good, nor that she will lose next time, should continue to strive and next time it may be better.
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