
Safety at home

Babies develop very quickly and before we know it, they are already curious and adventurous, discovering the world. That’s why we must prepare our…
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How to choose a Stroller | Baby stroller

The stroller can be the parents’ best friend or a constant source of trouble and inconvenience if we choose the wrong model for us.…
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Sense of Justice

The notion of justice comes up a lot sooner than experts thought. I was known from previous studies, that two years children can help…
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Travel with a baby

If you want to travel with your baby you should look at your young traveling companion as someone who adds a new dimension and…
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In what position should the baby sleep

Several studies have shown that the best position for a newborn is sleeping on his back. This approach significantly reduces the sudden infant death…
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Baby sleep

There are babies who fall asleep as little angels while others never seem to want to sleep. To the first you neeed only a…
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Why breastfeed

Breastfeeding is the method of choice of feeding at the beginning of life. Breastfeeding strengthens the bonds between mother and child. Breast milk provides…
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Baby equipment rental Lisbon

Baby equipment rental Lisbon is available to make your trip to Portugal more comfortable, easier and lighter. Planning to travel to the wonderful city…
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Delivery and pickup

Upababy allows its customers to receive the rented equipment at an address and return it in a different address. For example, if you want…
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