
22, Fév 2022
The safety of our family, of those who surround us, our babies and our own security are very important. Therefore, to know what to do in case of an emergency it is best to inform yourself and be prepared.
Call 112
When you call the 112 is essential to inform in a simple and clear way:
-The type of situation (illness, accident, maternity, etc.);
-The phone number from which you are connecting;
-The exact location and, where possible, with indication of reference points;
-The number, age and sex of the persons having apparent relief;
-Main complaints and amendments that you can observe;
-The existence of any situation that requires other means to the location, for example, release of gases, fire hazard, etc.
After you have reported the situation the operator tells you the best way to proceed, sending-if necessary-means of appropriate relief.
Remember that the MEDICAL SERVICES ambulance should be used only in life-threatening situation is imminent.
If it is not necessary to send an ambulance from the MEDICAL SERVICES you are given all the information about the best way of the patient to be transported to the appropriate health facilities.
-Unplug the phone only when the operator indicate.
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