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Normally during the first five months of pregnancy, future mothers have no trouble sleeping because their pregnancy belly is still small and it is relatively easy to turn on bed both to the left and to the right.
However, after the sixth month, frequently, sleep is compromised due to the positions. It is recommended to sleep on the left side which is the side of the heart. This position facilitates blood circulation and directs blood to the baby’s umbilical cord. This is not however a sign prohibiting sleeping on the right side. But turning to this side can cause agitation to the baby and consequently discomfort for the mother.
Cushions can be great allies in the last months of pregnancy. It may help relieve heartburn, nasal congestion and shortness of breath positioning them on the head, between your legs or hugging them close to the belly.
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Having a family or a pregnant friend can be an exciting time, especially if you follow closely. It is also a prelude to a massive change with the arrival of the baby. And yet, no one will probably give up the things that have always been made jointly.
Besides all the other pressures of daily life, the mothers have many things to think about during pregnancy – they may want to make some changes in their lifestyle to care for the baby. If you ever had kids you know that every pregnancy is different and may be different from yours.
Help your friend, sister or daughter to have a healthy pregnancy does not have to be difficult. And it will be much easier for a woman with your help – may even have benefits for you too!
Tips – things you can do together while she is pregnant
Help with shopping
Carrying heavy bags is especially hard when you already carry a baby! Moreover, it will be a great workout for your arms.
Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink
The best advice for pregnant women is not to drink alcohol. If the pregnant woman is accustomed to drinking with you, it may be more difficult. So join her not drinking because it will be a good help for her and for you too.
Stop Smoking
Smoking during pregnancy, or inhale smoke passively, can be like blowing smoke into the face of the baby. So if you always smoked together it can be the perfect time to stop together. Besides the obvious huge benefit you will save some money – you can use it to celebrate the arrival of baby!
Walk more
Walking for 150 minutes a week can help the mother and the growing baby stay healthy. Moreover, it is a great way to occupy free time together and get some exercise too.
Eat more healthy foods with her
She feels like eating things that does not usually eat? If you enjoy cooking, see what you can do together. You can even make in quantity and freeze some dishes – very useful when the baby comes.
All this may help to have a great start
Support your friend or family with all these things, can not only help you have a healthy and happy pregnancy, but also decrease the risk of postpartum depression.
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How to give the happy news to friends
Whether the pregnancy was planned or a complete surprise, telling the great news to friends can be intimidating. But it is almost certain that they will give you support and may even have even have already guessed.
Work and day-to – day tasks
One can not underestimate the power of the “baby brain”. From one moment to the next cleaning the house or recording the TV series can become a great emotional nightmare. Pregnant women so quickly are euphoric as the next moment are very sad. Even the quietest women probably go through this roller coaster of emotions at some point. It is important not to worry excessively, face situations with some levity and blaming the hormones. However, if you are too worried, especially if you feel depressed, seek professional help.
Swollen legs
Many women suffer from fluid retention during pregnancy, getting feet, ankles, legs, hands and /or swollen face. In general is something completely normal.
Stretch Marks
Unfortunately it is virtually impossible to avoid them. It should, however, use a good cream during pregnancy to minimize and remember that with time they will fade and not get so bad as it looks.
Make a plan for the birth
You can make a detailed plan for the birth with the kind of birth you want, what kind of anesthesia, which doctor, which midwife until I which music. However, you have to be flexible, the delivery can be unpredictable and things may have to happen differently. Do not worry too much about it, what matters is the arrival of the baby.
Do not panic with little things that are not worth it.
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Feeling sad with a newly arrived baby
Having a baby can be both exciting and exhausting. He brings a lot of joy, but can also challenge the mom in ways she never expected. Soon after birth, many women feel moody and wanting to cry. You may be blessed with a beautiful baby and a loving partner, and still cry over things that usually do not bother.
You may also feel exhausted, unable to sleep, stuck, or anxious. Your appetite may increase or decrease, or may feel irritated, nervous, worried about being a good mother, or afraid to be a mother will never feel better than now. Reassure yourself: All of these feelings – known as postpartum melancholy – are normal during the first few weeks after delivery. In fact, up to 80 percent of new mothers experience them.
Causes and treatment of postpartum depression
After birth, your body changes rapidly. Hormone levels fall, your milk comes and your breasts may become swollen and sore, and you may feel exhausted. These physical realities can bring Postpartum Melancholy.
Emotional factors also contribute to this. You may feel concerned about the welfare of your baby with the transition to motherhood, or to adjust to the new routine. The new responsibilities may seem overwhelming.
The good side is that postpartum Melancholy is not a disease, and goes away on its own. You do not need any treatment unless the support of family and friends, rest and time. Sleep deprivation symptoms can and should make an effort to relax whenever possible worse. Just a few minutes can make you feel much better.
When someone you know has Postpartum Melancholy
Partners, friends and relatives: The best thing to do is reassure the new mother recalling that many women feel that way after birth. The mother is exhausted, unsure of herself, and, if the first child, never done anything like that before. No wonder we feel overwhelmed!
Just listen, encourage cry if you need it, it recalls the wonderful work you are doing. Look for the number of visitors is minimized, write down your errands, make dinner, help create an agenda and set priorities – what is less important and less urgent can wait.
Give her permission to take care of herself, too. Insist that she rests as much as possible, and offer to take care of the baby. Above all, show her you are there for it all.
Postpartum melancholy or postpartum depression?
People often confuse postpartum melancholy and postpartum depression, because they have common symptoms. How are they distinguished?
If you are in the first two postnatal weeks, expect some emotional disorder. But if you continue to feel this way for more than 2-3 weeks postpartum consult your doctor and seek professional support. If you have a history of depression, have a history of depression in your family, or if symptoms – such as negative thoughts or feelings of anxiety – are particularly troublesome search help also.